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Author Profile

Welcome to Steve’s Floorcovering, Inc. We have spent the last 37 years bringing exceptional craftsmanship and genuine thoughtfulness into homes. We strive very hard to inspire a look that is truly unique for everyone.
In our showroom, we offer a wide variety of flooring and countertop selections. If you are looking for something specific and do not see it on our displays, we will be glad to bring it in for you.
We are a family owned business; something we truly take pride in. Steve is the owner and father; Eric is the installer and son; and Jody is the Vice President and daughter. All three are very artistic and attentive in all aspects of their work. We work with a team of skillful subcontractors who are fundamental in the course of our projects.
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- April 13, 2024Affiliate Disclosure
- December 31, 2022Testimonials
- December 31, 2022Q&A’s
- December 31, 2022About Us